Hello, I’m Aidan.
Over the course of my journey through the Communications Design program, I have discovered a passion within myself for Motion Design. It combines my love of filmmaking, illustration and storytelling into one groovy package. Theres a special feeling of joy you get from seeing your animations start to move around and exceed the confines of a screen. My experiences in this course has reaffirmed a belief that design is best used to elevate stories and voices that need to be heard. Inspiration comes to me in many forms, from the worlds of movies, to movement of comics and vibes of funky design are what I’m particularly drawn to. Outside of all my creative design endeavours, I adore playing and watching basketball, and most other sports including a recent interest in F1 that I picked up over quarantine.

Demo Reel
- Branding
- Illustration
- Typography
- Uncategorized

F1: Drive to Survive
- Branding
- Typography

Pulp Apparel
- Branding
- Illustration